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Insect ecology
Gut microbe
Community ecology

Tatsuya Inagaki



I got the Presentation Award for Young Scientist (PAYS) at ICE 2024! I appreciate people coming to my talk and talking to me!


I will join the ICE 2024 XXVII International Congress of Entomology in Kyoto, Japan!

Aug 26, 2:00-2:15, Room 509

Tatsuya Inagaki and Corrie Moreau. Disrupting a long-standing symbiotic relationship: artificial manipulation of protist community composition in the termite gut and its effect on host traits

As a part of "[17-2] From Digestion to Microbiome-Driven Behavior: Gut Functions and Symbiosis in Social Insects"


I will join the 3rd Congress of Evolutionary Biology in Montreal, Canada!

Jul 27, 4:45-5:00, 520D

Tatsuya Inagaki and Corrie Moreau. Disrupting an intimate and long-standing symbiotic relationship: artificial manipulation of protist community composition in termite gut

As a part of "Evolutionary dynamics of animal-microbe symbioses."


Co-authored paper is out in Insectes Sociaux: Nakashima et al. 2024 Ins Soc


Paper about symbiotic protist dynamics during termite dispersal is out on Royal Society Open Science: Inagaki et al. 2024 R Soc Open Sci


Co-authored paper was accepted on Insectes Sociaux


Paper was accepted on Royal Society Open Science


Visited ASU for talk (SIRG seminar: Dynamics of symbiotic protist community in termite gut during caste differentiation and vertical transmission) and fieldwork

Visited California for fieldwork


Preprint about dynamics of protist community in termite gut during adult development is out: Inagaki et al 2023 bioRxiv


Co-authored paper is out in ISME Journal! We revealed genome content and evolutionary process of parasitic Clostridia inhabiting protist cells. 

Takahashi et al. 2023 ISME J


Preprint about the evolution of energy parasite bacteria within protist cell is published: Takahashi et al. 2023 bioRxiv


Moved to Cornell University as a postdoc (JSPS overseas research fellow)

Advisor: Prof. Corrie Moreau HP


Our new paper is out in iScience! We revealed that caste fate (whether an individual becomes a reproductive or non-reproductive caste) is already determined at the egg stage in a termite. 

Takata et al. 2023 iScience


Our new paper is out in Insectes Sociaux! We reported the changes in symbiotic protist community, reproductive organ development, and trophallactic behavior during the neotenic differentiation of a subterranean termite, Reticulitermes speratus. Inagaki et al. 2022 Insectes Sociaux


Poster presentation at ISS in Lyon, France


Poster presentation at ICE in Helsinki, Finland


Oral presentation and symposium organization at IUSSI in San Diego, US


I will join three international conferences this summer!

July 3-7 IUSSI 2022 -International Union for the Study of Social Insects- in San Diego, US LINK

July 17-22 XXVI International Congress of Entomology 2022 in Helsinki, Finland LINK

July 25-29 10th International Symbiosis Society Congress in Lyon, France LINK


In IUSSI 2022 at San Diego, we organize a symposium "Exploring the intricacies of relationships between social insects and microorganisms" with Dr. Marielle Postava-Davignon and Dr. Hiroyuki Shimoji. LINK

2022. 3. 18



第69回生態学会(ESJ69)にて自由集会「動物と微生物の複雑な共生関係を紐解く Dig deeper into animal–microbe symbioses」を関学大の下地さんと主催します。リンク


Research page is updated


Photos were taken by TI

Top: gut microbiota of a subterranean termite, Reticulitermes speratus

Left: a damp-wood termite, Zootermopsis nevadensis; Right: protists in the gut of Z. nevadensis

© 2022 by Tatsuya Inagaki. Created with

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